Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun, Company of Heroes, Conan Exiles. And when you want your hack in the game just press the magic INJECT button. Command & Conquer Remastered Collection, Command & Conquer: Generals. then you ave to right click on it and then you press SELECT. Then you have to choose the game, to do that you need to click TARGET on superject and the you will have to find hng.exe. ( i personaly use SuperJect and it works perfectly ) On SuperJect you have to have extracted the DLL file to your folder of choise, ( I just go with the Downloads folder ) and then you left-click BROWSE on Superject and find the DLL file thet you need to hack H&G, then you left-click on the DLL file once andd then click OPEN in the bottom left of the window.
To use this hack you need to have a DLL injector. I inject the dll with superject but it dosent work -_. Im not sure if it works when i inject it, it says success but i dont see any hack menu. WE NEED A BLOODY HOTKEY M8, 1V1 ME IRL OR IN MINECRAFT, U BLOODY NIGGA